Finding Stillness

"A great silent space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds you." - Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks


Constructive, healthy action is our daily how-to of Heartwork™. True. Yet the innate need to slow down and be rises through even the most hectic of days with the same repeating, urgent message: “Listen to me! I need to be still. I need silence. I need rest. I need to slow down. I need time, for me. I am running on empty!” More often than not, when we arrive at the end of each day we continue to ignore that need and white knuckle our way through life. This leads to emotional breakdowns, spikes in mental instability, binges, and weeks of numb apathy mixed with random outbursts of rage at the most inopportune times (fist-fighting for the last Polly Pocket on black Friday, anyone?). And then suddenly it's the end of yet another year and you feel like an unwilling passenger being thrust through the birth canal of a New Year, overwhelmed with impatience, ungratefulness, resentment, and desperate exhaustion.

"Meditation is a way of moving into stillness in order to understand the truth of who you are." - Janette Grace Barney

This is not what a balanced, self-love practicing life looks like, is it? If you see any part of yourself here (um, we do. Don’t even think about taking our Polly's, y’all), join us for 90 days to re-center, reconnect, and root into our innate worth and belonging through a five-minute, daily practice of meditation.


  • Insight to how you nourish the relationship with the gentle stillness within

  • The introspective awareness to choose quiet inner presence without outer stimulus

  • Deeper connections to your true self, your higher self, and your heart

  • A stronger relationship to your unbreakable worth and belonging, and increased ability to live according to the truth of that

  • An evolving personal practice of meditation to find the balanced, calm epicenter of who you are even amid the noise

  • A supportive process to revisit the interior landscape of the heart, and better accept it's growth and changes

  • An elevated ability to share the moment (with self and others) without filling it with words or actions

  • And much more...