Are you a HOYH kind of woman?

Are you a HOYH kind of woman?

7 Reasons why you might be a HOYH (hoy-uh) woman. And if you are – we need you. Why?

1. Because #Responsible. You know you’re not perfect, and while that stings (in a society of overachieving, overproducing and over-exhausting – we’re over the #Overs!), you know you’re accountable for your own life. You do your work, own your shit, and share what you’ve learned along the way. You also know it’s not your job to push your opinions on others – because you’ve learned (prolly the hard way, like the rest of us! #HulloBlameGame) that everyone learns in their own way, in their own time. And despite your radiant wisdom – you’re learning the right way to share it. #WhenActuallyAsked. 🙂

2. Because #Irreplaceable. You are aware that your significance in the world matters, even though you still struggle with feelings of inadequacy around your worthiness, lovability, and smarts. But you’re willing to hold space for the possibility that what you have to offer and who you are is utterly unique and needed.

3. Because #Real. You’ve learned the best and deepest way to connect is to be vulnerable and authentic about who you really are, what you feel and what you need. You’re learning where and with whom to try out your truths around #SafePeeps. You’re willing to take the risk. To lean in. And even though you don’t have all the answers, you’re still willing to nourish faith in who you want to be.

4. Because #Love. You feel deeply and love big. Your huge heart wants peace #OrAtLeastEquality for the world, your family, yourself, and the places that matter to you. It hurts to see others hurting, and you want to be of help, to soothe and to serve. And you know loving yourself might just be the best and most influential way to start the #HealingRevolution.

5. Because #Deep. You dig all things that have to do with healing and improving your heart, mind, body and spirit. You fuel your curiosity by trying out new ways to feed your soul. You might start a book or a course or a conversation with big intentions – and not complete them – but you’re not giving up, dammit! #Goddess. You’re on a quest to feel free, and you’ll keep following the signs along this winding, crazy road.

6. Because #Playful. After being uptight for too long, you’ve decided not to take yourself soooo seriously anymore. #Bravo! You know you need to laugh, and you actually let yourself sometimes. You totally get the hype of lightheartedness, and try to add some silly along with your sass. You believe in the brilliance of going #DeepToCheap and #CheapToDeep. Balls. 🙂

7. Because #Tribe. You ache to belong. You want to be heard, and have the opportunity to celebrate and witness other women doing the same. You’re #DONE with comparison + competition and are sick and tired of women being the main reason we hold ourselves back. And while you’re not immune to the green bug of envy, you’re beginning to believe that each woman’s success is ALL OUR triumphs. You’re working on forgiving where you’ve been hurt, and there’s something in you that refuses to give up Hope that there ARE women out there who CAN hold safe space for each other. Like, REAL ACCEPTANCE, and will love you as you find your way. #ThisIsHowWeHOYH

We see you. We need you. Because, #Diverse! No one is you, and your varied experiences, beliefs, and journey empower not just our growing community, but the world itself. No one has your voice, #ItsTimeToBeHeard. And here, it will be. #WeAreHOYH

One Reply to “Are you a HOYH kind of woman?”

  1. This was amazingly beautiful and thank you for saying everything that I think and feel. Kinda crazy how much it’s exactly how I believe all of this and you said it exactly as if you were me. Lol
    Thank you 🙏

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